Looking for comprehensive study material for IAS exam preparation? Find all the necessary resources you need at Jokta Academy. Though officially known as the Civil Services Exam (CSE), the IAS exam is conducted annually by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and consists of three stages: Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Personality Test/Interview. Access UPSC CSE updates and explore our recommended study material, including NCERT books, history, polity, geography, economy, science, and technology. Enhance your preparation with quality IAS study material. Join Jokta Academy now.
Our inclusive data science course curriculum is expertly designed and structured by industry leaders to cater for both beginners and working professionals equally. Understanding the importance of job readiness, the….
Join the Online MBA Degree in India at Smart Educator and transform your career. Our program offers a flexible and comprehensive curriculum designed to equip you with essential business skills…..
Data Science Course: Take your data science skills to the next level with IIM Skills Data Science Course. Unlock the power of data with our Data Science Course. Learn the….
IIM Skills offers a Data Science Course in Bangalore designed to equip learners with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the field of data science. Here’s a detailed….